How To Remove Limescale From A Shower: Quick Fixes For Hard Water Stains

limescale on a tap

If you live in a hard water area, chances are you’ve noticed the unpleasant stains that can build up on your shower, taps, sinks and surfaces over time. Hard water stains tend to grow because they form a scaly “crust” that soap scum can latch onto, worsening over time. Below are our top tips on how to remove limescale from your shower.

Read our top tips…

The Solution

The best way to avoid hard water stains is to avoid hard water altogether. Water softeners remove the minerals that cause limescale, so you won’t get these stains to begin with, and scale will also be removed from out-of-sight places, too, such as in pipes and your appliances. To get rid of them once they’ve built up though, here are a few ways to tackle hard water to help you keep your surfaces sparkling:

Diluted white vinegar

This is probably the best-known way to get rid of limescale from a shower – fill a spray bottle with half water and half white vinegar, and use it to clean your shower doors, bathtub and tiles. For really stubborn stains, make a paste from white vinegar and baking soda, spread it over the surface of the stain and leave it for 15 minutes – it should scrub off easily. Dry off with a towel afterward to stop the mineral build-up from beginning again.

Lemon juice

Citric acid is also very effective when cleaning hard water stains and limescale – some can be removed simply by rubbing half a cut lemon over the stain, or by spraying neat lemon juice on the build-up. Leave for ten minutes and rinse, making sure to wipe the area dry afterwards. Lemons might be a bit more expensive than vinegar, but they smell nicer!


Yesterday’s newspaper isn’t just good for fish and chips – it’s also a great way to remove limescale from a shower. The newsprint ink also acts as a reducing agent on the minerals in limescale, and some stains can be wiped away with newspaper alone. Wipe the surface with dry paper first, then wet it in warm water and repeat until clean. This method is particularly good for glass surfaces. 

Hard water can cause unsightly water marks on your appliances and bathroom surfaces. This is due to the harsh minerals within the water itself. A water softener can remove these minerals and leave your home sparkling clean. Contact us to find out more about how a water softener could reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning, and get a quote. 

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