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How much is a service visit?

Our Harvey water softeners don’t need routine servicing. We’ve designed them with easy maintenance and ownership in mind.  

To keep them running efficiently and performing to their best, all you need to do is keep them topped up with salt  this is used to regenerate the machine and flush away any hard minerals that might otherwise accumulate. Harvey water softeners will typically run for 10-15 years with no servicing. 

If you need a service or maintenance visit for a particular reason, contact our expert team and we can make the arrangements and advise you on any costs involved. You can call us direct on 01483 753414. 

Your Harvey water softener should run smoothly as long as you keep the salt topped up – there’s no need for routine servicing. But if you’ve noticed a problem with your water softener or you’d like to book a maintenance visit, please contact our expert team who will be happy to help. Contact us