How to pronounce... The UK's most confusing kitchen words

Microwave. Meekro wahve. Meek raw have.

As the lovely Nigella Lawson showed us all this week, pronouncing even common terms like microwave can be a real minefield!

So we wondered… what other kitchen terms do we struggle to pronounce? And can we expect any more microwave-style treats from Nigella soon?

We analysed 215,460 search queries from Google’s own data to uncover the words we most search for help with. Here are the top 20:

Search Query Number of Searches Per Month
how to pronounce chipotle 1,600
how to pronounce quinoa 1,300
gnocchi how to pronounce 880
how to pronounce croissant 590
how to pronounce water 480
how to pronounce turmeric 480
how to pronounce almond 480
how to pronounce moet 390
how to pronounce nougat 320
how to pronounce tomato 260
how to pronounce focaccia 260
how do you pronounce almond 260
how to pronounce lychee 210
how to pronounce paella 210
how to pronounce plantain 210
how to pronounce salmon 170
how to pronounce aubergine 170
how to pronounce pizza 140
how to pronounce banana 140
how to pronounce falafel 140


Chipotle: The most searched food word

Chipotle is a jalapeno chilli pepper that’s smoke-dried to give it a really deep and earthy taste. It’s often used in Mexican recipes and can add a real kick to recipes like chilli con carne, or bean based chillis.

This was the most searched for food pronunciation in 2020, with an average of 1,600 of us searching for how to pronounce chipotle every month. And Google told us it’s:


With Veganuary just around the corner, it’s likely more of us will be trying to recipes and seeking great ways to add extra taste to new recipes. Here’s hoping Nigella will be treating us with some chipotle based meals (and chipotle pronunciations) in 2021.