Dry hands and ageing: new survey reveals link
A new survey has shown that dry hands can age you by nine years on average, while non-dry hands were perceived to be younger than their age 56% of the time.
The survey, conducted by Harvey Water Softeners, encouraged participants to guess the age of six hands, half of which were self-reported as dry, and the other half as non-dry.
Dry hands estimated to be up to 47 years older!
Having dry skin on your hands ages you by an average of nine years, a new survey has shown.
The survey asked respondents to guess the ages of six different aged hands, half of them were self-reported as ‘dry’ and half ‘non-dry’. When looking at dry hands, only 5% of respondents guessed the age right. 69% guessed above their actual age and just 26% were under. This shows more people assumed dry hands were older. The biggest difference was 47 years, where hands of a 28 year old were guessed to be 80 years old – by two of our respondents.
Non-dry hands estimated to be younger than their age
Healthy hands were perceived to be younger 56% of the time, according to the survey.
When looking at healthy hands, respondents were correct in their guess 15% of the time and over estimated 30% of the time. Showing it’s easier to correctly guess the age of a healthy hand. A 33 year olds healthy hand was guessed to be 27 years younger, at six years old by two respondents.
The results of the survey show that having dry hands can prematurely age you, whilst healthy hands can have the opposite effect.