Soft on skin
Help keep your skin in tip-top condition by soothing it with softened water. You can see improvements in dry skin conditions, such as eczema.

Help keep your skin in tip-top condition by soothing it with softened water. You can see improvements in dry skin conditions, such as eczema.
What if the water you use everyday could look after your skin without the need for products?
If you don’t get a lovely lather with shower gel and soaps, it’s because the minerals in hard water don’t mix as well with the products you use. You will end up using more to compensate. As well as being costly, this can irritate skin further, especially if you suffer from eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis.
The residue left behind by the minerals can cause irritation, clog pores and contribute to itchy, dry skin. This can be especially problematic for those with sensitive skin.
The introduction of softened water can improve these conditions, as it is doesn’t contain as many minerals. You will notice that because products lather better and rinse off easier, your skin will feel silky smooth.
The health of your skin is so important. From mildly annoying to downright painful, poor skin health can have huge impacts on your wellbeing and happiness. Scientific research has proven the link between hard water and skin health, so investing in a water softener is one way to help maintain good skin condition. We’ve also pulled together more tips, advice and articles to help you care for your skin and the skin of your family. Take a look at our Skin Care Hub using the link below:
Please fill out this form so that we can contact you about your enquiry. You can also arrange for a free personalised water analysis in your home or through a virtual online demonstration.