Chemical-free cleaning

With the recent increase in awareness around the dangers of chemical cleaning products, many people are looking for ways to start a chemical-free cleaning regime. This is a great idea for several reasons, and we’re here to help get started. We’ve shared some of our best recipes for non-toxic cleaning products below, so be sure to take a look. But first, why switch to homemade cleaning products?

The benefits of chemical-free cleaning

There are a whole host of benefits to going chemical-free in your cleaning regime. We’ve listed just some of them here:

Cleaning products that don’t contain synthetic chemicals are completely safe for use around children. The same cannot be said for their commercial counterparts, with many popular chemical cleaners known to cause irritation and trigger allergies. Non-toxic cleaning products made at home are also significantly less dangerous if accidentally ingested by little ones.

Sticking to natural, homemade cleaning products means your home will be full of cleaner air. We’ve all experienced the overpowering chemical smell left behind by bleach, and this can cause negative side effects including headaches, skin and eye irritation, dizziness, as well as even triggering respiratory issues. There have also been links suggesting that long-term effects of using chemical cleaners can include heart disease, some forms of cancer, and respiratory illnesses.

Making your own cleaning products works out much cheaper than buying off-the-shelf cleaners. One of the main draws to mixing your own homemade cleaners is the overlap in base ingredients. Stocking up on a few essentials, as opposed to buying a different product for each cleaning requirement, will save you significant cash in the long run.

Reduce your impact on the planet. Not only will you reduce the demand for harmful chemical production practices, you’ll also be surprised how much switching to chemical-free cleaning will cut down on your packaging waste.

How to make the switch to chemical-free cleaning

If you’re looking to go chemical-free in your home, we recommend starting with a staggered approach. Work your way through any remaining chemical cleaners you’ve already bought (unless you’re particularly keen to switch immediately) as there’s no reason to throw away products that have already been made. If you do want to ditch your chemical cleaners ASAP, make sure to get rid of any hazardous waste using an appropriate disposal system. Otherwise you could end up doing more harm than good!

While you’re working through these old products, start assembling some of the basic ingredients you’re going to need to mix your homemade cleaners. We’ve put together some example recipes below, so take a look and make a note of the things that crop up the most. Helpfully, you’ll probably already have a lot of these ingredients in your cupboards already!

Chemical free cleaning recipes


It’s a good idea to mix up an all-purpose cleaner for use in the kitchen, as this is great for wiping down surfaces on the go and can even be substituted for some of the more specific-cleaning recipes in a pinch.

All purpose cleaner
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Two pieces of rosemary
  • Lemon rind

Mix together in a spray bottle and shake vigorously. Leave to mix for a few days then use as required.

Microwave cleaner
  • 250ml white vinegar
  • 250ml water
  • Wooden spoon
Oven cleaner
  • 125ml baking soda
  • A few tablespoons of water
  • White vinegar (optional)

With this mixture, you should be aiming to create a paste that you can spread around the insides of your oven. The amount of water you need will vary, so just go drop by drop until you have a consistency that is workable. Then (we recommend gloves for this part) coat the insides of the oven with the paste, avoiding the heating elements, Leave the paste to rest for a few hours, or even overnight if it’s particularly grimy. When you come back later use a damp cloth to wipe out the dried paste, and if need be spray a little vinegar inside to help break down the paste. When done right this method ensures you’ll be left with such a clean oven, you won’t even recognise it!

Toilet cleaner
  • Half a cup of baking soda
  • 250ml white vinegar
  • ½ a teaspoon of tea tree essential oil

Mix the vinegar and tea tree oil together in a spray bottle, and spray the inside of the toilet bowl, the seat, lid, and handle. Leave for a few minutes, then drop a few pinches of baking soda onto the inside of the toilet bowl and scrub thoroughly. This mixture is actually multi-purpose, and can also be used to scrub out your bath and sinks!

Mirror cleaner
  • 250ml water
  • 125ml white vinegar
  • 60ml rubbing alcohol
  • (Optional) A few drops of a clear essential oil of your choice

Living Areas

Marble cleaner
  • 500ml water
  • One teaspoon of castile soap

This can be used on any marble finishes you may have, everything from countertops to fireplaces. Mix the two ingredients together in a spray bottle and use a damp clothes to clean away any dirt. Do note that to bring your marble fully back to life, you’ll need to follow up with a good buffing session!

Wooden floors & furniture
  • 2 parts white vinegar
  • 2 parts olive oil
  • 1 part lemon juice

Once mixed, dip a microfibre cloth into the solution and run gently into the wood. Always make sure to try a test area first, follow the grain, and apply as needed until you’ve got the shine you’re after!

Carpet cleaner
  • 255g white vinegar
  • 500g water
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 15 drops of a clear essential oil (any that you like!)
Air freshener

Rather than relying on a chemical infused air freshener, try switching to a scented candle. There are plenty available on the market that only use organic, non-toxic materials. And they’ll almost definitely smell better too!

These are just a few of the more basic homemade cleaning products that are out there, designed to get you off to a strong start. Once you’ve properly made the switch to chemical-free cleaning, you’ll discover loads more recipes out there to help you along the way. If you’ve got a recipe that you think we could include here, get in touch and let us know!

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