Shower spraying

How to clean glass shower doors with hard water stains

  • Learn what is the hard water and how to clean glass shower doors with hard water stains
  • Find out the main causes and problems caused by the perpetual deposits of calcium and magnesium
  • Discover how a water softener system can be your ally against hard water stains!

If you’re tired of scrubbing limescale marks from your shower doors due to hard water, you’re in the right spot. Hard water, with its high mineral concentration, notably calcium and magnesium, leads to deposits that swiftly transform your shower into a cleaning ordeal. These deposits not only blemish the look of your glass shower doors but also pose a threat to their longevity. If you’re searching for remedies to tackle these problems, your search ends here. Continue reading to uncover the optimal method for eliminating hard water stains from glass shower doors and reinstating their former brilliance.

man doing a hard water test

What is hard water?

Hard water refers to water that contains high levels of minerals like calcium, magnesium, chalk, and lime.

These minerals are picked up as the water travels through rocks and soil, eventually making their way into our water systems.
This mineral-rich water can cause issues such as limescale buildup in pipes and appliances, making them less efficient over time.

Additionally, hard water can leave stubborn stains on surfaces like glass and tile and may also be harsh on the skin, particularly for individuals with sensitive skin conditions like eczema.

Hand on shower screen behind droplets

What causes hard water stains on shower doors and screens?

Despite diligent cleaning routines and the use of various bathroom cleaning products, hard water stains persist as a formidable challenge.

What are the causes of hard water?

A combination of hard water minerals and soap scum forms an unsightly amalgamation that clings stubbornly to the glass surface.

Within the confines of your shower, the minerals present in hard water intertwine with the fatty acids found in soaps and shampoos, creating a resilient crust of residue that defies conventional cleaning methods. This amalgam of mineral deposits and oils manifests as the notoriously hard water stains, casting a veil over the once gleaming surface of your shower door.

shower head covered in limescale

What problems does hard water cause?

Hard water causes many problems for homeowners and owners of hotel, B&B and other hospitality activities. It leads to the buildup of limescale, which can be expensive to deal with. Here are some ways hard water creates issues:

  • Appliances: Limescale buildup in appliances like washing machines makes them work less efficiently and wear out faster.
  • Slow-Flushing Toilets: Hard water deposits clog up pipes, leading to toilets that don’t flush properly.
  • Dirty Dishes: Hard water leaves a film on dishes and glasses, making them look dull and dirty even after washing.
  • Dull Hair: Hard water minerals make hair look dull and feel weighed down.
  • Skin Irritation: Hard water makes soap less effective, leaving a residue on the skin that can cause itchiness, especially for people with sensitive skin conditions like eczema.
outside of a glass shower

How to prevent hard water stains on glass and shower doors

Overall, hard water affects every aspect of daily life, so it’s important to find ways to prevent it. Using a water softener is a great solution because it removes the minerals that cause limescale buildup directly from the tap.

You don’t need to add any chemical product, detergent or limescale remover.

Harvey Water Softeners range of water softeners for home and hospitality is the best water treatment solution you can consider.

How hard is my water?

Use our water hardness test to find out how hard the water is in your area. At a level of 100ppm or more, you could benefit from a water softener.

parts per million

Unfortunately we do not have data for your area but you could still benefit from a water softener.

Woman cleaning a mirror of water marks

How to remove hard water stains from your shower doors with home remedies

Given the widespread nature of this common problem, countless online solutions are available, recommended by diligent cleaners everywhere. However, many of these suggested fixes often fail to eliminate stubborn hard water stains.

Among these, the most reliable method for removing these unsightly marks from your shower doors involves using everyday household items, specifically white vinegar and baking soda.

Vinegar work as cleaning agent due to its acidic properties, which effectively dissolve tough grime and soap scum.

Despite this, vinegar alone may not always be sufficient. That’s where baking soda comes in—a versatile and abrasive substance that enhances vinegar’s cleaning power, making it more effective against stubborn hard water stains.

Bathtub faucet and shower head

Start removing those unsightly water marks

Preparation is crucial for effectively dealing with hard water stains and requires several steps. Before to start the process about How to clean glass shower doors with hard water stains, gather the following items:

  1. 1 ½ cups of white vinegar
  2. ½ cup of baking soda
  3. Sponge or brush
  4. Microfiber cloth

Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Mix half a cup of baking soda with enough vinegar to form a paste in a small plastic container.
  2. Once the initial fizzing subsides, use a sponge to apply the paste evenly to the affected areas of your shower doors. Let the solution sit for about 15 minutes to allow its cleaning properties to work.
  3. Use the sponge to clean the surface, removing the paste and loosened deposits. Rinse with warm water to remove any leftover mixture.
  4. Finally, dry the shower screen thoroughly with a microfiber towel to achieve a streak-free finish and reveal the renewed brilliance of your glass surfaces.

The UK’s #1 selling Water Softener

  • Stop limescale at the source and reduce your energy bills.
  • Keep your appliances running and lasting longer.
  • Soft on skin and hair, say goodbye to hard water irritation.

Once you submit your details, what happens next?

  • Submit your details using this web form.
  • We’ll contact you over the phone to understand your requirements.
  • We can provide a water softener demo, either in your home, or virtually online.
  • We then give you a personalised quote based on your household’s needs.
  • Start enjoying the benefits of soft water.

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