Would you drink recycled sewage water?

15 September 2016
Would you drink recycled sewage water?

I stumbled upon a poll on whether people are willing to drink recycled sewage water. Thames Water have proposed the idea of implementing this as a means to ensure sustainable drinking water in coming years. Simon Evans, a spokesman for Thames Water stated that additional water will be required to keep up with the increase in demand from 9 million now to 10.4 million by 2040.

There are many factors to get right to meet water conservation targets. Fixing leaks, introducing metering and increasing awareness are some of the techniques that have being used, but by 2025, additional measures will need to be taken. These could include the construction of additional reservoirs, new irrigation strategies and wastewater reuse.

Wastewater would be put upstream to mix with river water before going to a drinking water treatment works.

Yucky as that may sound, it already happens to an extent anyway.

There are some pretty pronounced snags. It could impact on the river ecosystem and the additional strain of removing chemicals from the sewage would require some pretty radical changes.

Although it is only an idea at present, public opinion is already being sought on the matter. Public perception is the go ahead needed to make the decision to invest in the new treatment protocols that would be required.

The Guardian found that 63% of people would drink wastewater that had been treated this way. Would you?

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