Longer lasting appliances
- With no hard water running through your appliances there will be no scale
- Scale can fur up heating elements
- Appliances will become more efficient and last longer
While keeping yourself in good nick, don’t neglect the appliances. With softened water scale will slowly diminish, making them more efficient while living a longer, happier life.
It isn’t always noticeable, but scale build up over time on appliances can impact the way they work and how long they last. From kettles to boilers, hard water runs through them and scales them up over time.
An Energy Savings Study by Battelle looked at the benefits of softened water and the Water Quality Research Foundation found that a water softener is “the best energy saving device you can buy”. In hard water a shower head can completely plug itself with limescale in 16 months, making it unusable, while faucets can become blocked after just 19 days. The findings found that all appliances were visually heavily affected by limescale, which has a huge impact on cleaning time and costs.
Harvey Water™ will dissolve existing scale over time and stop any future build up. You will see scale disappear from your kettle six weeks after your water softener is installed and after two years it will disappear from your pipes.
Explore the benefits of softened water
Softened water provides so many benefits to your home and family, from a shiny kitchen and bathroom to being soft on skin and hair.